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COVID-19:Nutrition for recovery

Nutrition is very important for the recovery from COVID -19. A healthy diet and nutrition dense food can support your immune system and provide your body with the nutrients needed to recover. So we have gathered some of the most recent information and advice to help you recover.

 Maintain your weight

COVID-19 can lead to muscle wastage making it harder for the body to fight the infection and recover. So it would help if you increased your protein and calorie intake to help you maintain your strength.

  • Eat every 2-3 hours and include protein with each meal.

  • Add extra beef, chicken, beans into soups, add tuna into a casserole, protein powder or skim milk powder into a smoothie.

  • Choose high-fat milk and dairy products.

  • Add cheese to your salad.

  • Have a boiled egg for a snack

  • Add nut butters to toast or crackers.

  • Use a complete nutritional supplement, e.g., Sustagen, if you lose a lot of weight. Have as a snack or drink small amounts 50 ml 3-5 times per day

Drink enough Fluid

·         Drink even if you are not thirsty

·         Drink ¼ cup to 1/.2 cup (60 – 125ml) every 15 minutes

·         Take small sips every few minutes.

·         Keep liquid beside your bed

  • Use oral re-hydration therapy if experiencing vomiting and diarrhoea, e.g. Hydralyte or see below for a simple home re-hydration recipe

Loss of Taste and smell

Loss of smell or taste can lead to a low appetite and might cause you to eat less. This puts you at risk of not getting enough nutrients, and you could lose weight without meaning to. It could also lead you to eat more processed food and put on weight. Try these tips to get good nutrition when you have changes in taste and smell:

  • Prepare colourful food.

  • Eat warm food to enhance flavour

  • Add aromatics such as garlic and onion to improve the smell.

  • Use intense flavours, such as cinnamon, chilli, mustard, or vinegar.

  • Chew on herbs such as basil, mint, or fennel to clean the palate

  • Try eating food at different temperatures, such as hot, room temperature, and cold.

  • Use different food textures, such as crunchy or soft.

  • Eat mindfully and focus on your food. 

Swallowing difficulty

Eating well and drinking enough fluids is essential to help you recover from COVID-19. But swallowing problems can make it hard for you to get good nutrition; try these tips to help you get nutrition safely:

  • Sit up when you eat or drink. Never eat or drink lying down.

  • Choose soft, smooth, or moist foods or chop food into very small pieces.

  • Beverages may be a better option than solid foods: soups, smoothies. Elemental shakes.

  • Focus on eating and don’t do other things like watching TV, reading, or talking simultaneously.

  • Take your time eating and drinking. Take small bites of food. Chew your food well before you swallow. Take small sips of your drink between bites of food.

  • Make sure there’s no food left in your mouth before you take another bite or sip. Then, if you need to, swallow again.

  • Stay sitting up, standing, or walking for at least 30 minutes after eating.

  • Eat small meals throughout the day if eating full meals makes you tired.

  • If you cough or choke, or it’s hard to breathe when you eat and drink, take a break to recover.

  • Use oral re-hydration therapy if experiencing vomiting and diarrhoea, e.g. Hydralyte or see above for a simple home re-hydration recipe

Although there has not been a vast amount of longitudinal studies on COVID-19 and nutraceutical supplementation, previous clinical evidence does support the use of natural nutraceuticals supplements for immune support.

However, the list below is not intended to replace medical advice regarding the treatment of COVID -19 or other illnesses.

Green Tea, zinc, N-acetyl cysteine, vitamin C, mushrooms, turmeric and vitamin D all contain anti-inflammatory compounds, immune regulators, and antioxidants.

N-acetyl cysteine (NAC)

Studies have shown the positive impact of using N-acetyl cysteine and glutathione to manage COVID-19 patients. NAC displays anti-inflammatory action via the inhibition of epidermal growth factor receptor, IL-8 and C reactive protein, all involved in inflammation.

Vitamin D

Recent studies have suggested an association between lowered serum vitamin D levels and increased risk of hospitalisation with Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome with patients admitted to ICU.

Vitamin D plays an immunomodulatory role; it supports innate immunity by producing several antimicrobial peptides. It also acts within the adaptive immune system by modulating the central proinflammatory cytokines IL-6, TNF-alpha, and interferon-gamma and regulating the response of  Th1 lymphocytes.


Zinc has been shown to inhibit the replication of RNA within coronavirus. In addition, low serum zinc levels are associated with the activation of inflammasome, inflammatory cytokines, and interferon levels. Studies suggest that lowered zinc levels increase the rate of complications from COVID-19.  

Green Tea

Green Tea contains epigallocatechin-gallate, which increases the body’s ability to uptake zinc.

Medicinal Mushrooms

Mushrooms provide antiviral actions via the stimulation of the cellular and humoral immunity systems. For example, Reishi has been shown to inhibit viral replication, and Cordyceps trigger the production of NK cells, supporting the activation of the innate immune system.


Spices such as turmeric impede transcription factors, including protein kinase, principal controller of inflammation and inhibit proinflammatory cytokines TNF-α, IL-6 and IL-1β. This assists with the reduction of inflammation and combating neuroinflammation, protecting you against neurological changes seen in long COVID.

Ubiquinol (CoQ10)

Ubiquinol is required for ATP energy production within the cell. Therefore, supplementation may enhance cellular energy production, reducing fatigue useful for prolonged COVID fatigue.


However, care should be taken as not all supplements are suitable for every person. This is due to the many interactions some supplements can have with medications. In addition, and in severe cases, immune-stimulating supplements can cause hyper activation of the immune system.

Extra Support

For extra nutritional support and to access the best supplementation advice and routine for you as an individual, book an Express Immune boosting 20-minute online appointment.

During our 20-minute Express Immune Boosting online consultation, our nutritionists will holistically assess current dietary and lifestyle factors, pre-existing conditions, and medications to provide dietary, lifestyle and nutritional supplement advice to support your immune health.

After each appointment, you’ll also receive an immune support eBook including, recipes and a personalised practitioner only supplement prescription.