LEPT Nutrition - Perth

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Functional Nutritional Testing Explained

Functional nutritional testing is an arrange of tests that evaluate how the physiology of the body is functioning, rather than merely looking at symptoms and signs of disease.

The information obtained from the testing can be beneficial in identifying what may be contributing to health concerns. This information assists in the development of a personalised, targeted nutritional programme, leading to faster and more effective health outcomes.  

Testing is arranged through recognised integrated pathology services. The following is an overview of tests available through Lept Nutrition.

Nutritional Status Evaluation

A variety of comprehensive nutritional evaluation tests are available; these can measure your body’s:

  • vitamin and mineral status, 

  • protein adequacy, 

  • neurotransmitter processing capability,

  •  amino acids and 

  • cellular energy production. 

These tests guide individual dietary recommendations and supplementation routines and enable nutritional programmes to be very specific. 

Gastrointestinal Functional Testing

There is a range of non-invasive gastrointestinal tests available depending on your unique requirements. They can provide an overview of: 

  • nutritional absorption,

  • gastrointestinal permeability,

  • digestive enzyme functions 

They can also identify:

  • pathogenic bacteria and parasites,

  • fungal infection, 

  • gastrointestinal inflammation and

  • microbial balance.

Functional tests are also used for assessing problems with:

  • lactose, 

  • FODMAPS and 

  • gluten.  

Endocrine Hormone Testing

Hormones are critical for health and are often the key to restoring health. 

  • Adrenal Stress Hormone Profiles: evaluate levels of cortisol and DHEA.

  • Thyroid Hormone Profiles: analyse thyroid hormone production and metabolism.

  • Sex Hormones Profiles: assess imbalances in a range of female and male sex hormones. 

Immunological Testing

Food, food additives and environmental antibody testing can be conducted to ascertain allergens that may be linked to a wide variety of conditions. With symptoms ranging from gastrointestinal bloating, gas and fluid retention, depression, anxiety, mood swings, migraine, asthma, skin conditions and behavioural concerns in children.

These tests are particularly useful for identifying delayed (IgG) reactions, often called intolerances as symptoms may not show up till days after exposure to an allergen. 

Other functional testing available include:

  • Liver detoxification panel

  • Organic Acid Profile 

  • MTHFR gene testing 

  • HbA1c

  • Pyrolles 

To see if Nutritional Functional Testing if right for you, book a complimentary 15-minute conversation is to discuss how testing may assist you.