Female Athlete Triad

There is no denying that sports and exercise for young female leads to a healthier lifestyle with studies showing the young females athletes obtain higher grades in school, are less likely to participate in high risk activities, have reduced risk of depression.  

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However, optimizing nutrition for female athletes is critical in ensuring they do not suffer from Female Athlete Triad. Female Athlete Triad is a syndrome of three interrelated conditions: Menstrual disturbance, energy deficiency relevant to energy output and bone loss. Female athletes can suffer form all three of  have one or two of the parts of the triad.

Female Athlete Triad.

Female Athlete Triad occurs when energy balance relative to energy output is not adequate enough to maintain physiological mechanisms. This coupled with increased individual nutritional substrates requirements .g. folate, iron, vitamin c and calcium due to the high growth period and intense exercise further impacts the disruption of the physiological processes within the body. 

Menstrual cycles can be delayed or become irregular due to the reduced function and level of hypothalamic-pituitary hormones such as oestrogen. This can not only impact current health but  has the possibility of causing infertility in the future. 

Bone loss can be accelerated or mineral density not maintained, leading to stress fractures, slower healing of bones and a decline in optimal bone mass during critical years of age 11 to 20yrs. Bone mineral density further declines as the number of missed menstrual cycles increase. 

Due to reduced nutritional substrates intake or increased use, athletes may also suffer from higher fatigue levels, disturbed sleep patterns, depression, reduced performance and decreased immune function. 

When are female athletes at risk

  • If they are vegans or vegetarian. 

  • If they started their athletic career very young. 

  • If they participate in sports that emphasis lean physique or sport that requires weight checks.

  • If they have restrictive eating habits

  • If they have a sudden increase in training volume or load. 

  • If they are going through a growth spurt.

Tips on how to prevention Female Athlete Triad 

  • Undergo a thorough nutritional assessment with a qualified nutritionist and get your diet reassessed with changes to training loads or schedule.

  • Monitor your menstrual cycle and keep track of any changes. So you are aware of any concerns and can follow up with a doctor quickly. 

  • Ensure you plan meals, pre-pack snacks and never skip meals. Stock up on easy to grab food as life gets busy with school, training, family and friends. 


Ten Rules for a Healthy Diet.


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