Ten Rules for a Healthy Diet.

Rainbow plate of fruit and vegetables.

At LEPT Nutrition, we believe in education around nutrition and your health is critical; we also understand that it can be super confusing when it comes to nutrition, that’s why I’ve written these ten rules for a healthy diet.

  1. Make fruit and vegetables the main part of your diet to ensure you get all your daily requirements of vitamins, mineral, fibre and phytonutrients that protect our cells from damage. Choose in season and organic where you can or ensure you thoroughly wash them.

  2. Eat for the season. In-season vegetables and fruit have not been stored for long periods or chemically treated to extend their shelf life. This will ensure you have a varied diet and do not get stuck in eating the same food all year. Choose organic where you can or provide you thoroughly wash them. 

  3. Avoid processed foods, as they have added sugars, fats, additives, and preservatives that can be harmful to health. Look for food that is as close to its natural state as possible.

  4. Eat a rainbow, variety is key in ensuring you meet all your micro nutritional needs. Aim to have twenty different types of vegetables and fruit in your diet per week.

  5. Eat whole grains and limit refined carbohydrates. Swap processed carbohydrate food (white bread, biscuits, cakes) for wholegrain variety to increase your fibre and control blood sugar levels.

  6. Swap vegetable oils and margarine as these oils are highly inflammatory. Swap for grass feed butter, ghee, avocado and healthy omega 3 rich oils such as olive oil or coconut oil.

  7. Follow the healthy plate guidelines, ensure 1/2 your plate is vegetables or fruit, 1/4 proteins and 1/4 starchy vegetables or grains.

  8. Drink 2 litres plus of water per day. Our body needs water to lubricate organs, joints, and skin, detoxification and metabolic functions. Add an extra 1/2 cup of water per day and feel the difference.

  9. Limit alcohol as it is highly inflammatory, swap it out for kombucha, water with lemon juice or soda water with lime.

  10. Eat mindfully, genuinely enjoy every bite, the smell, the taste and texture. Enjoy the act of eating and all the beautiful things we can experience through food.

Lorraine English

Nutrition and Wellness centre in East Perth specialised in Women’s Health and Teenage Athletes. We provide programs tailored to every individuals needs. 


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