Expert Nutritionist Blog: Tips, Advice, and Recipes for a Healthier You
The Connection Between Gut Health & Hormones: How Nutrition Can Help
Gut health plays a crucial role in regulating hormones in women. The gut microbiome, the community of bacteria that live in the digestive system, can impact hormone levels by influencing the metabolism and absorption of nutrients. A balanced gut microbiome can help regulate hormones and improve fertility, reduce symptoms of PMS, and alleviate bloating during menstruation.
Vitamin C Why So Important for Women’s Health
Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) is an essential vitamin, meaning our body can not produce it. It is used for collagen production, the activation of folic acid, conversion of cholesterol to bile acids, conversion of proteins to amino acids neurotransmitter synthesis, bone health and fertility.
Oestrogen Dominance in Men and Women
Simple changes to your diet can reduce oestrogen levels to improve sex drive and fertility plus many other health benefits.