Miso Salmon with Zucchini Noodles⁠

Serves 2 | Time 50 minutes

Miso Salmon with Zucchini Noodles


  •  2 salmon fillets, 150g each⁠

  • 2 tbsp. miso paste⁠

  • 2 tsp. honey⁠

  • 2 tbsp. tamari, or soy sauce⁠⁠

  • 2 tbsp. ginger, grated⁠

  • 1 tbsp. apple cider vinegar⁠⁠

  • 1 tbsp. Olive oil⁠

  • 1 tsp. sesame seeds⁠

  • 400g zucchini noodles⁠

  • 6 radishes, sliced⁠

  • juice of 1/2 lime⁠


  1. Combine the miso paste, honey, tamari, ginger, vinegar, oil and sesame seeds together in a bowl. Place the salmon in a bowl and coat with half the marinade and refrigerate for 20 mins. Add the lime juice to the other half of the marinade and set aside in the fridge.

  2. Preheat oven to 180C.⁠

  3. Place salmon in an ovenproof dish and pour over any remaining marinade from the bowl. Bake for 12 mins, then turn the broiler on for about 2-3 mins to brown the top. Check often to avoid burning.

  4. In the meantime, place the zucchini noodles and sliced radish in a bowl and pour over the other half of the marinade and mix well. Refrigerate until serving.⁠

  5. Serve the salmon, once cooked, on top of zoodles. ⁠

Nutrition Per Serve: 751 calories, protein 48.4 g, carbohydrates 18.8 g, fat 52 g


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