Broccoli and Pea Soup

Serves 4 | Time 40 minutes

LEPT Nutrition_Broccoli and Pea Soup


  • Olive oil x 1 tbsp

  • Onion x 1 large, finely diced

  • Garlic x 2 cloves, crushe

  • Lemon zest x 1 tsp

  • Potatoes x 2 large, peeled and chopped

  • Water x 2 cups

  • Broccoli x 350 g, trimmed and chopped (use all the broccoli, including stork)

  • Frozen peas x 2 cups

  • Vegetable stock x 2 cups

  • Greek yoghurt x ¼ cup

  • Fresh mint x 2 tbsp, chopped

  • Pistachio kernels x 2 tbs

  • Salt and pepper to taste

  • Wholegrain sourdough x 4 slices, toasted


  1. Heat olive oil in large pan over medium-high heat and sauté onions for 5 minutes. Add garlic and lemon zest and cook till fragrant (about 2 mins).

  2. Add the potatoes, bone broth and water, and bring to the boil. Reduce heat and simmer for 5 minutes.

  3. Add the broccoli and peas and simmer partially covered for 10 minutes. When the vegetables are tender set aside to cool.

  4. When cool blend in batches until smooth, return soup to clean saucepan and reheat. Season with Salt and pepper to taste.

  5. Combine Greek yoghurt and mint, serve a dollop on top of soup and sprinkle pistachio nuts on top. Serve with slice of toasted sourdough.

Nutrition Per Serve: 310 calories, protein 16g, carbohydrates 32.2 g, fat 9.1 g

Lorraine English

Nutrition and Wellness centre in East Perth specialised in Women’s Health and Teenage Athletes. We provide programs tailored to every individuals needs. 


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