Tips to Stay Health Over The Holidays

Surviving the holidays season while you are working on a healthier you can be a challenge.  So many events, so much food and let's not forget the relative that insists you eat something, "just one it will not heart".

It seems like such a challenge to stay on track and still enjoy the time with my friends and family. But it is not impossible here are some simple tips to keep you on track and enjoy the holiday season. 

Tips to Stay on Track

1. Practice Mindful Eating

Holidays are about special treats so really enjoy that special treat, eat without guilt and genuinely enjoy every mouthful. Truly savour your food, how does it smell, what texture is it. Slow down, take a breath between each bite and put your utensil down between each bite.

Check in to see if you are truly hungry, before you reach for that first bite or that extra serve, listen to your body. If you are not hungry, then pass on the food or adjust your portion size accordingly.

2. Set Yourself Some Boundaries

If you know you will overeat, then set how many treats you will allow your self ahead of time. The will enable you to enjoy those treats, once again no guilt just enjoy.

3. Be Prepared for Social Distractions

In social events, it is incredible how much you can eat while chatting and talking to others or by just having the food right there in front of us.  So avoid standing and chatting near the food table.

If standing, select your food, place on a napkin or plate, so you are aware of how many serves you have had.

Social Event

4. Create a Cheer Squad

Talk to your family, friends and work colleges about your goals over the holiday season. Tell them how important it is to reach your health goals and why these goals are essential to you. Make your friends, work colleges and family your cheer squad.

Ask them to be the person that stands by your side when you need support in social situations.

5. Adopt the Two Plate Approach

This technique is fantastic to use where you may not have control over your portion sizes, and it is great for buffets.

When you go and get a plate of food to bring back a second empty plate also. Place the empty plate in front of you and the plate with the food on in front of this plate, toward the middle of the table.

From the serving plate, take some of each food and place it on your eating plate.

Cut up the food on your eating plate to bite sizes. Eat the food on your eating plate, be mindful, eat slowly, enjoy every single bite.

Once the plate is empty, STOP evaluate. Ask yourself the following questions. Do I need more? Do I need more? If the answer is yes, then go ahead and have more.

6. Control the Situation

Control the environment arrange to meet somewhere away from food or meet at a restaurant that has healthy options.

Be prepared and have healthy snacks in your draw at work, in the car and your bag. This will allow you to still eat in social situations but what you want to eat.

Offer to prepare a plate and take a healthy option you know you can indulge in. Ask friends not to eat unhealthy food around you. Real friends and family want you to succeed and will support you.

7. Arrive Hydrated

Drink water before you go, so you do not eat when you are thirsty.

8. Eat Before You Go

If you know, it is finger food, and you will be tempted then eat your healthy meal before you go. It is so easy to say no when you are already full.

8. Retrain your brain to say DON'T not CAN'T.

When you tell yourself "I can't", you generate a negative feedback loop that is a reminder of your limitations. You are telling yourself to do something that you do not like; it is a restriction, not a choice.

Shift your brain to a positive feedback loop where you are telling yourself this is a choice I make, "I don't because I don't want to". Take a moment a remember what you are working towards and say it in a statement "I want to be healthier", "I want to have more energy", "I want to lose 10 kg.".

Instead of telling others and yourself that you can't have that piece of cake and say "I don't want that piece of cake as I want to be healthier".

9. Look for Wholefoods

When you walk up to the table, simply look for the food that is as close to nature as possible. Go grab some of that fresh stone fruit, the colourful salad or vegetables and let's not forget all the excellent seafood and meats available.  

Scan the room, look around and see what healthy options are available, fill your plate and then when unhealthy food is offered, you can say no as your plate is already full.

10. Be Forgiving

If you overeat, forgive yourself and then just go back to get healthy again. The holiday season should be about enjoying time with those we love not feeling guilty about what we eat.  

“Enjoy the moments that make life special and have a Merry Christmas”

christmas dinner .jpg
Lorraine English

Nutrition and Wellness centre in East Perth specialised in Women’s Health and Teenage Athletes. We provide programs tailored to every individuals needs. 


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