Expert Nutritionist Blog: Tips, Advice, and Recipes for a Healthier You
What Happens During a Nutritional Consult
Nutritional consults are not as scary you think. This is an outline of what happens during your consult at Lept Nutrition.
Tips to Stay Health Over The Holidays
Surviving the holidays season while you are working on a healthier you can be a challenge. So many events, so much food and let's not forget the relative that insists you eat something, "just one it will not heart".
It seems like such a challenge to stay on track and still enjoy the time with my friends and family. But it is not impossible here are some simple tips to keep you on track and enjoy the holiday season.
Nutrients for Menopause and Healthy Aging
Nutrients can play a vital role in reducing menopause symptoms and ensure that you remain vibrant and active as your age. So here is a list the nutrients and all the benefits they provide.
The Problem with Diet Drinks
Should diet drinks be part of a healthy diet? What are the health consequences of drinking diet soda?
Research has shown the drinking diet soda is linked to the development of type 2 diabetes, heart disease, dementia, osteoporosis, mood disorders and kidney disease.
How to Read a Food Label
Reading a food label can be confusing, here are five clear easy to understand steps on how to read a food label for optimal health.
Common Foods with Super Effects
10 Superfoods you can easily incorporate into your diet for better health.
Superfoods are natural foods that contain high amounts of concentrated nutrients and are rich in antioxidants and polyphenols. Vitamins, essential minerals, healthy omega 3 fatty acids and fibre found in superfoods support every aspect of your health.
Fibre for Better Health
Learn why fibre is essential for optimal health, how much to eat and how you can get more fibre into your daily diet.
Fibre is essential for keeping us regular, but it also plays a crucial role in maintaining our health. Fibre assists with the absorption of nutrients, lowers your risk of cardiovascular disease, stroke, autoimmune diseases, diabetes, and some cancers.
Oestrogen Dominance in Men and Women
Simple changes to your diet can reduce oestrogen levels to improve sex drive and fertility plus many other health benefits.
How to increase your nutritional intake using Whole foods
10 Processed Foods to Avoid and 11 tips to increase whole foods in your diet.
Whole foods are plant foods or animal-based produce that is unprocessed and unrefined. This means the food you eat has had as little as possible processing or refinement before being consumed.