What Happens During a Nutritional Consult

We know that understanding what to eat can confusing. The truth is what to eat is different for each person, you are unique so what you should eat or not eat depends on your genetic makeup, unique biochemistry, current health status, lifestyle, environment, and many things in between.

At Lept Nutrition, all of our team have a Health Science Degree in Nutritional Medicine (nutrition and dietetics) to ensure they have expert knowledge in human biology, biochemistry and nutritional biochemistry. This allow us to take the guesswork out and explain it through the simplicity of professional nutritional guidance.

We also know that it can be scary and confronting to talk to someone about your diet. People are often concerned about being judged. What your consult does not include is judgement or guilt over what you are eating. Throughout your Lept Nutrition consultation journey, you can expect to be empowered, supported, and have a specific dietary protocol moving forward.  

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An Initial Lept Nutrition consultation will last 60 minutes and includes:

  • A comprehensive review of your current health, previous health history and your family history.

  • A review of current dietary intake and eating habits.

  • Any physical assessment as required, e.g. bioimpedance, blood pressure, zinc tally.

  • Advise on any functional testing that may be required or referrals if required.

  • Establishment of your unique health goals.

  • Delivery of base dietary plan.

  • And most of all we ensure you feel listened to and understood.

Your comprehensive Lept Nutritional plan is delivered during a 45 minute follow up consult and may include:

  • Full meal plans including recipes, shopping list and preparation guide.

  • Full diet review and comprehensive analysis of nutrient intake and deficiencies

  • Education and support around diet and disease management.

  • Supplementation guidelines.

  • Mindful eating techniques.

  • Knowledge around food and nutritional intake.

  • Lifestyle advise.

 Who can benefit from a Lept Nutrition consultation?

Nutritional consultations are excellent for supporting all aspects of health. Understanding the right dietary intake can change your life and lead you to a more vibrant and healthier you. Health areas covered include:

Menopause: Peri menopause, symptom support, post-menopause, weight management and optimal ageing.

Reproductive Health: PMS, PCOS, endometriosis, fibroids, fertility, pregnancy, low libido, irregular and abnormal menstrual cycles.

Pain Management: fibromyalgia, migraines, musculoskeletal health, and arthritis.

Weight Management: weight loss, weight gain, alterations to body composition.

Skin & Nails: acne, eczema, recurring rashes, alopecia and brittle nails.

Autoimmune: Rheumatoid arthritis, Hashimoto’s, Graves’ Disease, Asthma.

Immunity: Allergies, hay fever, food intolerances, colds, flu, UTIs, recurring bacterial/viral infections, autoimmune conditions, eczema, asthma, rashes, psoriasis and other skin conditions.

Digestion: Food allergies, intolerances, IBS, constipation, diarrhoea, SIBO, diverticulitis, leaky gut, coeliac, fatty liver disease, gallstones, gall bladder removals, Crohn’s disease, gastroenteritis, reflux, and haemorrhoids.

Thyroid Health:  hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism

Mental Health: Anxiety, stress, PTSD, anorexia/bulimia, depression, ADHD, and bipolar disorder.

Fatigue: reviewing biochemical pathways (anaemia, MTHFR gene mutations) and dietary implications (nutritional depletion, insufficient nutrient absorption, etc.) as to why you’re fatigued

Nutrition, Diet, and Lifestyle: Reviewing your lifestyle and implementing individual strategies to suit all needs including healing, ageing, and rejuvenation.

Lorraine English

Nutrition and Wellness centre in East Perth specialised in Women’s Health and Teenage Athletes. We provide programs tailored to every individuals needs. 


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